Liposuction in Turkey, Istanbul
Liposuction is a body shaping process performed by removing fat tissues under the skin using a blunt cannula inserted under the skin through a 3-5 mm incision and negative pressure. It is used to reduce regional fatness, correct the contour, shape and thin. It is not a weight loss method. You can check out our INSTAGRAM page to see before and after images of liposuction patients.
Is liposuction performed under general anesthesia or local anesthesia?
Liposuction surgery can be performed under general anesthesia for better comfort and surgical time when it is performed on a single area or small areas, but when it is performed on larger areas with local anesthesia or more aggressively.
How much does liposuction in Turkey cost?
Although liposuction surgery may vary between 300 euros and 30000 euros around the world, the price of a single area (small) liposuction procedure under local anesthesia in our clinic starts from 500 euros. This price may vary depending on the number of areas, whether the patient is overweight or obese, the size and number of areas to be performed and the duration of the procedure, whether there is general anesthesia or not, whether hospitalization is required or not, and whether blood tests are performed or not. Having abdominal fat removed under general anesthesia in Istanbul may cost around 1750 euros, including 1 night of hospitalization. You can contact us to get information about Liposuction price list 2024.
Where is liposuction surgery performed in Turkey?
Most liposuction surgeries in Turkey are performed by plastic surgeons in Istanbul. As a rule, it is beneficial to choose Turkish Plastic Surgeons in Istanbul, especially since the complication rate is lower in doctors who perform a higher number of the same surgeries. However, surgeries here may be more expensive than in other cities. In our clinic, we provide quality service at affordable prices. You can contact us.
Is it safe to go to Turkey for liposuction surgery?
Hospitals in Turkey provide much higher quality services than the Middle Eastern countries and many Eastern European countries. It is on par with many western countries in terms of sterilization, training of doctors and services provided. You can see the affiliations of these hospitals with universities such as JCI (Joint Commission International and Harvard – John Hopkins) on the websites of the relevant hospitals and the pages of the relevant institutions. When you undergo any surgical procedure, no matter where you are in the world, some complications may develop and it is not possible to know them in advance, but you can have a safer health. You can pay attention to a few conditions before making the trip.
1) Before your travel, be sure to contact your doctor and discuss your wishes, known diseases and medications you use.
2) Make sure your doctor is BOARD certified
3) Before you go, be sure to ask about alternative treatments and the additional costs that may arise in case of complications (extended hospital stay, blood transfusion, etc.).
4) Avoid getting service from intermediary companies or non-doctors who say their name is a clinic (the names and addresses of all hospitals and doctors are available on search engines such as Google.) If you are not careful, you may be defrauded by intermediaries.
5) Request an invoice for the services you received
6) Leave at least 4 days for the liposuction procedure, do not rush to return quickly. Taking an early flight may increase the risk of excessive edema and thromboembolism.
Who is a suitable candidate for liposuction?
Liposuction surgery is the ideal procedure for patients who want regional slimming or body shaping. There is no alternative to liposuction to remove local fat under the skin. Although methods such as RF, HIFU, Coolsculpt (cold lipolysis) and EMS target the same thing non-invasively, none of them can remove and shape fat as quickly and radically as liposuction. You can visit our INSTAGRAM page to see before and after liposuction surgery photos and patient experiences.
In terms of procedure safety, the person’s general health condition must be good in order to undergo an aesthetic surgery procedure. It may be dangerous to have liposuction procedure in people with diabetes, advanced heart disease, advanced lung disease, and advanced liver disease. Liposuction surgery is not a weight loss surgery. Removing more than 5-10 liters of fat (and the accompanying blood and edema fluids) and more than 10% of the person’s body weight can be dangerous. It may disrupt the body’s fluid-blood balance. This procedure is not recommended for children, very elderly individuals >80 years of age, people with chronic diseases, people who want to have liposuction for weight loss, people with blood clotting diseases, or people who have to use blood thinners. On the contrary, it is the ideal method for patients who are young or middle-aged, have good general health, and want to get rid of regional fat and require regional slimming or contour correction.
Will all fat in the body be removed with liposuction?
With liposuction, fat under the skin is removed. Not all of these fats can go away. The fat in the lines through which the cannula passes is gone. Your doctor scans the subcutaneous tissue in parallel lines to avoid a wavy appearance after the surgery. If possible, more than one cannula scans the same area from different angles. But despite all this effort, some fatty tissue remains between the cannula passage areas. In cases such as gaining high weight in the future, this fat may cause contour distortion.
Liposuction does not help with visceral fat. In other words, the fat between your internal organs, the fat between organs such as the intestines, liver and kidney, the fat between the mesenteric fat, in short, the fat under your muscles, cannot be removed by liposuction. Liposuction does not thin the areas that appear to protrude on the body, such as the ribs and pelvis, and it has no effect on the bones. Liposuction cannot thin the muscles or correct muscle asymmetries. Symmetry can be corrected by removing fat from one side and leaving fat on one side.
Am I too thin for liposuction surgery? Am I too heavy for liposuction surgery? What is the ideal weight for liposuction?
Normal weight in the body is measured by a value called Body Mass Index. This value is measured by dividing the weight by the square of the height. For example, a person who is 165cm tall and weighs 65kg will be approximately 65/1.65/1.65= 23.87. Normal BMI is between 20-25. A BMI of 30 and above is considered overweight, and a BMI of 35 and above is considered obese. If the BMI is 19 and below or the BMI is 35 and above, liposuction surgery can still be performed, but the result you will get will not be the best. People with a BMI between 20-35 are the patient group that will get the best results from liposuction.
Am I too old for liposuction? Am I too small for liposuction?
We do not perform liposuction on people under the age of 18 in our clinic. The reason for this is the legal problems that may arise due to the individual being underage and the possibility that the procedure may produce different results over time as the person’s body growth has not stopped. The oldest patient we performed liposuction on is 78 years old. In patients over the age of 70, it is necessary to discuss the patient’s request, the benefits and harms of the procedure, and make a risk assessment. If the liposuction procedure is not particularly functional but is performed for aesthetic/cosmetic purposes, high-risk procedures should not be preferred.
In which areas is liposuction performed?
Liposuction can be performed on areas such as abdomen, waist, back, inner thigh, outer thigh, inner knee, legs, arms and chin. Slimming the waist and inner thighs are the most preferred reasons. It is not recommended to perform liposuction on the breast, genital area, scalp, hands and feet.
Is liposuction safe?
There are some risks in liposuction surgery, as in every surgery. To classify them;
Risks Due to Anesthesia: Local anesthesia poisoning, allergy, drug reaction, etc. Respiratory problems due to general anesthesia, pulmonary edema, intensive care admission or life-threatening anesthesia complications.
General surgical procedure risks: Bleeding, Infection, Scar tissue, Wound healing problems, Areas of numbness on the skin, Edema-bruising
Risks specific to the liposuction procedure: Asymmetry, Contour Deformity, Hemodynamic disturbances in case of excess fat removal, perforation and damage of the cannula to deep structures (such as lungs, intestines..).
Special risks for liposuction methods that use energy (LASER, VASER, J-PLASMA): burns, scar tissue under the skin or on the skin, and hardening of the connective tissue.
Is liposuction a painful surgery?
Although liposuction surgery is not a very painful surgery, sensitivity may occur, especially in areas close to the bones. There may be a burning sensation under the skin, especially when you move. It is necessary to use mild-medium strength painkillers for the first 3 days. Rarely, some patients may be more sensitive and narcotic painkillers may be required.
Where should liposuction be done?
Liposuction can be performed both in private practice, in small surgical medical centers, and in large full-fledged hospitals. What is important here is the type of anesthesia to be used and the amount of liposuction to be performed.
How long does the liposuction procedure take?
Liposuction usually takes approximately 20 minutes on each body area. If the patient needs to turn during the procedure, this may take approximately 15 minutes (removing the drapes, turning the patient, sterile cleaning and draping again). For example, it may take approximately 2-2.5 hours for a person to have liposuction on their abdomen, waist, or back. If general anesthesia was used in the surgery, the patient may be kept under observation in the recovery room for 20-30 minutes after the surgery. If the surgical area is small, the patient can be discharged on the same day. If a large amount of fat, more than 2-3 liters, is removed from a large area, it is safer to keep the patient under observation in the hospital for at least one day. If the patient’s blood level drops, a blood transfusion may be necessary. In such a case, additional costs may arise.
Patients usually wear a corset immediately after surgery. Even if it is not installed, it is necessary to start wearing it within the first 2 days.
What should be taken into consideration after liposuction surgery?
After the liposuction procedure, it is necessary to dress the cannula entry holes daily or every other day.
Dissolvable stitches are used in our clinic, and if they do not fall off on their own, they can be removed after 10 days or waited for them to fall off.
It is recommended to use a corset for 6-8 weeks after the liposuction procedure.
Lymphatic massage or liposuction massage is recommended for at least 3 months after the liposuction procedure.
Scars usually become indistinct within 6-12 months. To speed up this process and make it more indistinct, scar removal creams and gels can be used after the scars heal (such as contractubex gel, silicone gel, etc.).
How many days after liposuction surgery can I start working or returning to sports?
Generally, the first 2-3 days after liposuction are the period when the pain is highest. After the first week, the pain largely disappears, only tenderness is felt when moving. For desk workers, it is usually easy to return to work after 7-10 days. It should not be forgotten that although this varies from person to person, it may happen on the 3rd day or on the 15th day.
After liposuction, light sports can be started within 20-30 days. Sportive activities that will increase blood pressure are not recommended as bleeding, bruising and deformities may occur in the areas where liposuction is performed in the first two weeks. It is recommended to wait 2 months for heavy sports and combat sports after liposuction.
By what methods is liposuction surgery performed?
Liposuction surgery is usually performed with stainless steel cannulas between 2-6mm, with a blunt tip and a length of approximately 20-32cm. There may be 1-2-3-4-5-6 holes just behind the tip of these cannulas. These holes can be in a row or in the form of a Mercedes cannula on 3 different sides or on a protruding piece (basket). In the method called classical liposuction, these cannulas are manually slid back and forth, collecting the fat in a container thanks to the negative pressure attached behind it. If, before liposuction is performed, the fat tissue under the skin is injected with fluid and inflated with a cannula called an infiltration cannula, which is approximately 2 mm thick and has very small point holes on it, this technique is called tumescent liposuction method. This fluid contains a substance that causes the vessels to contract and shrink, such as local anesthesia, bicarbonate buffer, adrenaline or epinephrine. It makes it possible to get more fat with less bleeding.
In the laser-assisted liposuction method, there is a laser probe at the tip of the blunt cannulas mentioned above, and with the heat created by laser (Light Amplification by Stimulated Emission of Radiation) energy, it burns and melts fat (instantly) and provides tightening by creating scars in the skin and connective tissue (within months). . This method can be used to create lines in surgeries such as making abdominal muscle lines more prominent, such as “6 packs”, by giving more point energy than vaser.
VASER (ultrasound assisted) liposuction: In this method, there is an ultrasound system at the tip of the probe, and with the energy created by sound waves, it burns and melts fat, liquefies it (instantly), and provides tightening by creating scars in the skin and connective tissue (within months). This method gives more controlled energy than laser. It can be used in more widespread area.
J-Plasma (helium) or Argon Plasma: In this method, Helium or Argon gas is administered to the subcutaneous fat tissue via liposuction cannula and stimulated with radiofrequency. This causes helium or argon gas to be oxidized to the plasma (high temperature) phase. In this way, it burns the tissue, liquefies the fat and causes tightening in the skin and connective tissue. Due to the high heat generated in this method, the results may be more aggressive than other methods. Likewise, side effects may be higher. Due to its side effects, this method was not found suitable for aesthetic use with a statement made by the FDA in March 2023. However, it continues to be popular due to the advertising of the companies and the radical results of those who have the procedure done.
Burns may occur on the body in energy-giving liposuction methods. It should be performed by experienced doctors, calibrated devices from quality companies should be used, and the patient should be constantly monitored during the procedure. Despite all this, burns may occur, and fragments broken by heat from the device’s probe may remain inside the patient. On the other hand, bleeding is lower in energy-giving liposuction methods. There is less bruising. But edema may last longer.
Can I tell if a person has had liposuction?
It is very difficult to understand that liposuction has been performed. Symptoms that may reveal a person who has had liposuction can be listed as swollen healing of the cannula entry incision scar, contour deformity due to connective tissue scar after the procedure or due to weight gain and loss, and the fact that the examiner has had liposuction himself or is a doctor/esthetician.
Frequently Asked Questions
What does liposuction generally look like?
There are several different types of liposuction available. Each technique has its unique characteristics, and an open discussion with a board-certified plastic surgeon will help determine which one is right for you. The more common type of liposuction is power-assisted liposuction, which involves inserting a very small, thin tube called a cannula that vibrates very quickly to break up fat. The fat is then absorbed from the body. This is typically a faster and more precise method of liposuction.
Is liposuction surgery safe?
As with all surgical procedures, there are some risks associated with each of the liposuction mentioned above. During your consultation, your surgeon will be able to fully plan for all risks for the type of liposuction you have chosen.
However, generally speaking, liposuction is considered a safe procedure, and if you follow your post-operative instructions closely, you will rarely experience serious complications.
Will I have pain after the procedure?
Liposuction is a surgical procedure, so there will be some swelling, pain, and discomfort during the first few days of your recovery. Most people report feeling postoperative pain for up to four or five days, but this pain passes quickly and any persistent discomfort can be easily managed.
What should be taken into consideration after liposuction?
To maintain the new body shape you gained after surgery, stay away from sugar, sweets and pastries; It is recommended to shape your life with a diet containing protein, fruits and vegetables, grains and less fat. Additionally, exercises need to be done regularly.
Will Sagging Occur After Vaser Liposuction?
After the operation, no sagging or fat accumulation is observed because the fat cells in the body are broken down and cannot multiply.
Is liposuction a difficult surgery?
Contrary to popular belief, liposuction is a painless surgery. Since the entry is made with very thin cannulas, there are minimal incisions in the surgery area and therefore the pain complaints that may occur in the patients can be relieved with simple painkillers. Since the incisions are very small, there are no scars left afterwards.
What are the Risks of Liposuction Surgery?
According to experience, the harms of liposuction are incredibly minimal. Rare problems that can potentially occur with any surgical procedure include infections, bleeding, skin ulcers, and nerve injury.