Op. Dr. Barış Çin is in Kadıköy found to herself belonging to special in your clinic and Academic, Acıbadem hospitals like various top level hospitals with worker One He is a Plastic Surgeon. Excellence for humping One team with together to you top level aesthetic treatments suitable at prices to present for team It is at your service 24/7 . your dreams don’t delay , happy And Beautiful be !
European Board Certified April 6, 2019 Brussels / Belgium
Turkish Board Certified September 28, 2018 Ankara/Türkiye
He completed his primary education in Ankara . secondary education 1 year at Ankara Gazi Anatolian High School, where he won preparation class after reading then his family with together Riyadh/ Saudi to Arabia moved for Riyadh American International School completed . high school To Turkey back He returned to Ankara Atatürk Anatolian High School. read . Marmara University Medicine from the faculty graduate after later expertise He specialized in Istanbul Haydarpaşa. Sample Education And Research hospital Plastic , Reconstructive And Aesthetic Surgical department in the branch completed . specialization GB Hamburg University in Hamburg/ Germany during Chin Surgical department in the branch chin surgery in the field and Oxford/ University of Oxford in England craniofacial Surgical department in the branch skull development disorders in the field clinic observer aspect experience increased . Expertise thesis , the world -most prestigious from magazines in the journal Aesthetic Plastic Surgery article aspect published ( Detailed information for see Cin B. Invited Response on: Effect of Rosmarinic Acid and Alcohol on Fat Graft Survival in Rat Model. Aesthetic Plast Surg. 2020 Jun;44(3):1087-1088. doi : 10.1007/s00266-020-01687-1. Epub 2020 Mar 23. PMID: 32206860). thesis outside much A lot local And foreign in the magazine articles It was published . Türk Plastik on 28 September 2018 reconstructive And Aesthetic Surgical association by organized written And verbal in exams success by providing Sufficiency Certificate to take right won . Again on April 6, 2019 in Brussels / Belgium organized written And verbal exams success with passing by Europe Plastic , Reconstructive And Aesthetic Surgical association by Sufficiency Certificate with was rewarded . 2021-2022 years of Okan University Plastic , Reconstructive And Aesthetic Surgical department in the branch doctor teaching attendant aspect lesson gave . from 2021 since free physician aspect in Istanbul during examination patients with is interested . until now much strange in areas hundreds of patients examined And operation has done .
Turkish Board of Plastic, Reconstructive, and Aesthetic Surgery 28 September 2018
European Board of Plastic, Reconstructive, and Aesthetic Surgery 06 April 2019
Marmara University Medical School (Eng) (Istanbul-Turkey) 2003-2009
Çankaya Atatürk Anatolian High School (Ankara-Turkey) 2000-2003
American International School (Riyadh-Saudi Arabia) 1998-2000
Gazi Anadolu Junior High School English Preparatory Class 1997-1998
Eryaman Bahar Elementary School (Ankara-Turkey) 1992-1997
Pirivate Office (Baris Cin Clinic – Estinn) 2021-Current
Okan University 2021-2022
Sultan Abdulhamit han Research and Training Hospital 15 October 2020 – December 2020
Plastic, Reconstructive and Aesthetic Surgery
Speacialist – Chief of Department
Haydarpasa Research and Training Hospital 14 April 2020 – 15 Oct 2021
Plastic, Reconstructive and Aesthetic Surgery
Specialist – Consultant
Sultan 1. Murat State Hospital, 20 Feb 2020 – 20 March 2020
Plastic, Reconstructive and Aesthetic Surgery
Burn Unit and Hand Replantation Center
(Edirne – Turkey)
Sultan 1. Murat State Hospital, 23 November 2018 – 10 April 2020
Plastic, Reconstructive and Aesthetic Surgery
Burn Unit and Hand Replantation Center
Specialist (Edirne – Turkey)
Haydarpasa Research and Training Hospital 15 April 2016 – 09 November 2018
Plastic, Reconstructive and Aesthetic Surgery
Residency (Istanbul-Turkey)
Oxford Craniofacial Unit, John Radcliffe Hospital 11 Sep 2017 – 22 Sep 2017
Oxford University
Observership (Oxford-England)
Clinic of Oral, Maxillofacial Surgery 15 Oct 2016 – 30 Oct 2016
Universitatsklinikum Eppendorf
Observership (Hamburg-Germany)
Bagcilar Research and Training Hospital 15 August 2013 – 15 April 2016
Plastic Reconstructive and Aesthetic Surgery
Residency (Istanbul-Turkey)
Atasehir Public Health Center (Istanbul-Turkey) 6 Sep 2012 – 15 August 2013
Obligatory Military Duty (Sanliurfa 1st Border Infantry) 1 August 2011 – 31 July 2012
Hacettepe University General Surgery Residency 3 August 2011 – 21 Dec 2011
General Practitioner in Mimar Sinan Health Clinic 29 Sep 2009 – 21 Dec 2009
and Ambulance Doctor 112 Ambulatory Health
Service Station (Gebze-Kocaeli-Turkey)
Cin Baris. Invited Response on: Effect of Rosmarinic Acid and Alcohol on Fat Graft Survival in Rat Model [published online ahead of print, 2020 Mar 23]. Aesthetic Plast Surg. 2020;10.1007/s00266-020-01687-1. doi:10.1007/s00266-020-01687-1
Cin, Baris., Ciloglu, Nesibe Sinem, Omar, S., & Terzi, N. K. (2020). Effect of rosmarinic acid and alcohol on fat graft survival in rat model. Aesthetic plastic surgery, 44(1), 177-185.
İskenderoğlu, Ayşe İskender, Çiloğlu, N. S., & Çin, B. Our Experiences about Cubital Tunnel Syndrome. The Medical Journal Of Haydarpaşa Numune Training and Research Hospital, 59(4), 0-0.
Nesibe Sinem Ciloglu, Baris Cin, Erinç Evrensel, Serkan Kaya, “Contribution of SPY Device on Our Daily Clinical Practice for The Last 2 Years”, International Congress on Occupational Accidents, Hand Injuries and Amputations, Istanbul, 2019
Nesibe Sinem Ciloglu, Semih Yildiz, Serkan Kaya, Y.E. Yilmazer, Barış Çin, “Assessment of Flap Viability via Indocyanine Green Angiography in Subcutaneous Mastectomy and Immediate Breast Reconstruction Patients”, 40th National Congress of Society of Turkish Plastic, Reconstructive and Aesthetic Surgeons, Antalya, 2018
Nesibe Sinem Ciloglu, Serkan Kaya, Barış Çin, Erinç Evrensel, Ozan Aslan, “Our experience with Malign Melanom Patients and Sentinel Lymph Node Biopsies”, 40th National Congress of Society of Turkish Plastic, Reconstructive and Aesthetic Surgeons, Antalya, 2018
Nesibe Sinem Ciloglu , Erinç Evrensel , Semih Yildiz, Ayşe İskender. İskenderoglu , Barış Çin , “Review of Basal Cell Carcinoma patients that underwent surgery between 2013 – 2017”, 40th National Congress of Society of Turkish Plastic, Reconstructive and Aesthetic Surgeons, Antalya, 2018
Shahrukh Omar, Nesibe Sinem Ciloglu , AK Yigit, Bora Edim Akalın, Barış Çin , “Necrosis Preventing Effect of Rosmarinic Acid on Mcfarlane Flap Model”, 40th National Congress of Society of Turkish Plastic, Reconstructive and Aesthetic Surgeons, Antalya, 2018
- Yigit, Nesibe Sinem Çiloğlu , Barış Çin , Ayşe İskender İskenderoglu , “Necrosis Preventing Effect of Rosmarinic Acid in Muscle Ischemia Reperfusion Rat Model” , 40th National Congress of Society of Turkish Plastic, Reconstructive and Aesthetic Surgeons, Antalya, 2018
Nesibe Sinem Çiloğlu , Barış Çin , Ahmet Kürşat Yiğit, Shahrukh Omar, “Use of Dermal Flap in Immediate Breast Reconstruction”, 39th National Congress of Society of Turkish Plastic, Reconstructive and Aesthetic Surgeons, Antalya, 2017
Nesibe Sinem Çiloğlu , Barış Çin , Ahmet Kürşat Yiğit, Shahrukh Omar “Our Reconstructive Experience on Tip Amputations”, 39th National Congress of Society of Turkish Plastic, Reconstructive and Aesthetic Surgeons, Antalya, 2017
Nesibe Sinem Çiloğlu , Shahrukh Omar, Ayşe İskender İskenderoğlu , Bora Edim Akalın, Ahmet Kürşat Yiğit, Barış Çin , “ Affect of Fleur-de Lys Incision on Aesthetic Outcomes of Postbariatric Abdominoplasty ”, 39th National Congress of Society of Turkish Plastic, Reconstructive and Aesthetic Surgeons, Antalya, 2017
Nesibe Sinem Çiloğlu , Ozan Aslan, Ahmet Kürşat Yiğit, Shahrukh Omar, Barış Çin , “Our Approach to Arm Lift Procedures”, 39th National Congress of Society of Turkish Plastic, Reconstructive and Aesthetic Surgeons, Antalya, 2017
Nesibe Sinem Çiloğlu , Ahmet Kürşat Yiğit, Ayşe İskender İskenderoğlu , Bora Edim Akalın, Barış Çin , Shahrukh Omar, “Our Clinical Experience with Masses of Scalp Region”, 39th National Congress of Society of Turkish Plastic, Reconstructive and Aesthetic Surgeons, Antalya, 2017
Asuman Özel, Oğuzhan Demirel, Salih Onur Basat , İbrahim Karaca Başaran, Funda Aköz Saylan , Ö. Pilanci , Mehmet Bozkurt, A. Datli , Barış Çin (Istanbul/TR), “Advantages and clinical outcomes of autolgous fat lipofilling as treatment modality of hypertrophic nose scars“ , European Burn Association Congress, Hannover, 2015.
Semih Yıldız, Erinç Evrensel, Barış Çin, Nesibe Sinem Çiloğlu, “Median Nerve Variations: Laceration of Early Branching 3rd Common Digital Nerves”, 40th National Congress of Society of Turkish Plastic, Reconstructive and Aesthetic Surgeons, Antalya, 2018
Bora Edim Akalin, Erinç Evrensel, Barış Çin, Yunus Emre Yilmazer, Sinem Eroglu, “Reconstruction of Full Thickness Left Lower Eyelid Defect using Mucosa Graft and Island Flap based on Temporal Artery”, 40th National Congress of Society of Turkish Plastic, Reconstructive and Aesthetic Surgeons, Antalya, 2018
Sinem Eroğlu, Ayşe İskender İskenderoğlu , Shahrukh Omar, Ahmet Kürşat Yiğit, Barış Çin , “A rare case: Isolated 4th Metacarpal Shortness”, 39th National Turkish Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery Congress, Antalya, 2017
Ayşe İskender İskenderoğlu , Ahmet Kürşat Yiğit, Shahrukh Omar, Barış Çin , Nesibe Sinem Çiloğlu , “A rare case: Giant BCC Located On Sternum”, 39th National Turkish Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery Congress, Antalya, 2017
Ozan Aslan, Shahrukh Omar, Barış Çin , Ahmet Kürşat Yiğit, Serkan Kaya, Nesibe Sinem Çiloğlu , “Young Girl Kissing With The Stove”, 39th National Turkish Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery Congress, Antalya, 2017
Ayşe İskender İskenderoğlu , Ahmet Kürşat Yiğit, Shahrukh Omar, Barış Çin , Yunus Emre Yılmazer, Nesibe Sinem Çiloğlu , “Wide Dermal Necrosis on a Peadiatric Case after Angiography”, 39th National Turkish Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery Congress, Antalya, 2017
Bora Edim Akalın, Barış Çin , Erinç Evrensel , Shahrukh Omar, Nesibe Sinem Çiloğlu , “Reconstruction of Posterior Calcaneal Defect with Heel Flap”, 39th National Turkish Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery Congress, Antalya, 2017
Nesibe Sinem Çiloğlu , Barış Çin , Ahmet Kürşat Yiğit, Shahrukh Omar, Semih Yıldız, “Unclassified Complicated Multiple Preaxial Polydactly ”, 39th National Turkish Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery Congress, Antalya, 2017
Bora Edim Akalın, Ahmet Kürşat Yiğit, Shahrukh Omar, Barış Çin , Nesibe Sinem Çiloğlu , “Cyst Hydatid of Forearm”, 39th National Turkish Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery Congress, Antalya, 2017
Nesibe Sinem Çiloğlu , Ozan Aslan, Shahrukh Omar, Ahmet Kürşat Yiğit, Barış Çin , “Facial Basosquamous Carcinoma Cases With “Agressive Progression”, 39th National Turkish Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery Congress, Antalya, 2017
Baris Cin, Ayşe Şencan , Muzaffer Kurt, Çağatay Öner “Palmaris Profundus Tendon: A Rare Variation found during Traumatic Median Nerve Laceration Repair“ , 15th National Society of Turkish Hand and Upper Extremity Surgery Congress, Fethiye , 2016.
Fatih Ceran, Salih Onur Basat , Gaye Filinte , İbrahim Karaca Başaran, Funda Akoz Saydam, Baris Cin, Mehmet Bozkurt (Istanbul/TR), “The modified POSAS observer scale“ , European Burn Association Congress, Hannover, 2015.
Baris Cin, Fatih Ceran, Salih Onur Basat , Mehmet Bozkurt, Funda Akoz Saydam, İbrahim Karaca Başaran (Istanbul/TR), “ Lipo injection via V-shaped 3mm suction cannula for the treatment of burn scars“ , European Burn Association Congress, Hannover , 2015.
Fatih Ceran, Salih Onur Basat , Özgür Pilancı , İbrahim Karaca Başaran, Baris Cin, Gaye Filinte , Mehmet Bozkurt (Istanbul/TR), “A novel technique for reconstruction of eponychial deformities due to burns – bilateral lateral nail fold based flap“ , European Burn Association Congress, Hanover, 2015.
Salih Onur Basat , Fatih Ceran, Baris Cin, Funda Akoz Saydam, Mehmet Bozkurt (Istanbul/TR), “Is Alice in Wonderland? – a new cause for burns ‘ Bonzai ‘“ , European Burn Association Congress, Hannover, 2015.
Baris Cin, Asuman Özel, Salih Onur Basat , Funda Aköz Saydam, İbrahim Karaca Başaran, E. Guvercin , M. Sarici , Mehmet Bozkurt, “Application of BMAC and AD-MSC in Diabetic Foot Ulcer Patients“ , Balkan Association of Plastic Reconstructive and Aesthetic Surgery 9th Congress, Thessaloniki, 2015.
Oğuzhan Demirel, Asuman Özel, Baris Cin, Özgür Pilancı, “Unexpected Midnight Patient: Burn with Walnut Tree Leaves“, Balkan Association of Plastic Reconstructive and Aesthetic Surgery 9th Congress, Thessaloniki, 2015.
Samet Vasfi Kuvat, Fatih Ceran, Özgür Pilancı, Türker Özkan, Baris Cin, “Importance of timing in toe to hand non-vascular phalanx transfer for congenital aphalangia“, 35th National Congress of Turkish Society of Plastic Reconstructive and Aesthetic Surgeons, Istanbul, 2013.
International Congress on Occupational Accidents, 26-27 April 2019
Hand Injuries and Amputations, Istanbul
40th National Congress of Society of Turkish 17-21 October 2018
Plastic, Reconstructive and Aesthetic Surgeons,
1st Kartal Wound Symphosium 09-10 March 2018
4th Seminar on Tendon Transfers of the Upper Limb 22-24 Feb 2018
On Fresh Frozen Cadaveric Specimens
Thessaloniki, Greece
22th National Congress of Aesthetic, 13-14 January 2018
Plastic Surgery Association, Istanbul
39th National Congress of Society of Turkish 11-14 October 2017
Plastic, Reconstructive and Aesthetic Surgeons,
TPRECD X. Rhinoplasty and III. Facial Aesthetics 11-14 May 2017
Cadaver Dissection Course, Edirne
Turkish Society of Plastic, Recontructive, Aesthetic 1-5 April 2017
Surgery – X. Annual Residents School – Antalya
Rhinoplasty Society of Europe Cadaver Course, Istanbul 18-19 March 2017
16th European Burns Association (EBA) Congress 16–19 Sept 2015
Hannover, Germany
Bagcilar Research And Training Hospital Certification 20-29 May 2015
Course for Animal Use and Experimental Research
Turkish Plastic Reconstructive and Aesthetic Surgery Society 29 Oct – 1 Nov 2014
36th Annual Conference
5th International Eurasian Aesthetic Plastic Surgery Course – 19-23 June 2013
ISAPS Course
Istanbul Advanced Rhinoplasty Course 19-23 June 2013
2nd Annual Meeting of the Rhinoplasty Society of Europe 19-23 June 2013
24th Annual EURAPS Meeting (Antalya) 23-25 May 2013
Course for Ambulatory Mechanic Ventilation 17 Nov 2009
Kocaeli State Hospital General Surgical ICU
Anesthesia and Reanimation Department
Course for Interosseos Cannulation 26 Oct 2009
İzmit Seka State Hospital
Course for Family Planning Health Services 6-10 Oct 2008
Course for Reproduction Health Services 22-26 Sep 2008
Marmara University Medical School
Deparment of Public Health
Course for Immunization Services 15-18 Sep 2008
Marmara University Medical School
Department of Public Health
Early Onset Psychiatric Disorders Conference 14-17 Nov 2007
Adolescent Days
Istanbul Mammarian Cancer Conference 14-16 Sep 2006