Op. Dr. Barış Çin

Breast Lift (Mastopexy)

Breast lift, also known as mastopexy, is a surgical procedure performed by a plastic surgeon to change the shape of your breasts. During breast lift, excess skin is removed and the breast tissue is reshaped to raise the breasts.

If your breasts are drooping or your nipples point down, you may prefer a breast lift. Breast lift can also increase your self-image and self-confidence. A breast lift does not significantly change the size of your breasts. However, breast lift can be performed together with breast augmentation or breast reduction.

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During The Surgery

  • Techniques used to remove breast skin and reshape breast tissue vary. The special technique your plastic surgeon will choose will determine the location of the incisions and the resulting scars. Your doctor may make incisions:
    • Around the areola – the darker area surrounding the nipples
    • Extending downward from the areola to the breast folds
    • Horizontally along the chest creases

    Your doctor may place stitches deep in your breasts to reshape your breast tissue and, if necessary, reduce the size of your nipple. It will lift the excess breast skin and shift the nipples to higher positions. Your doctor will then pull the skin of the breast together and close the incisions with stitches, surgical tape, or skin adhesives. The procedure usually takes two to three hours and you can go home the same day.

After Surgery

After a breast lift, your breasts will be covered with gauze and a surgical support bra. Small tubes may be inserted into incisions in your breasts to drain excess blood or fluid.

Your breasts will be swollen and bruised for about two weeks. You will feel pain and soreness around the incisions, which will be red or pink for several months. Numbness in your nipples, areola, and breast skin can last for about six weeks.

Take pain medication as prescribed by your doctor in the first few days after a breast lift. Avoid forcing, bending and lifting. Lie on your back or side to avoid pressure on your breasts.

Avoid sexual activity for at least one to two weeks after a breast lift. Ask your doctor if it is okay to continue daily activities such as washing your hair, showering or bathing.

Drainage tubes can be placed near your incisions and are usually removed within a few days. When your doctor removes the tubes, they will likely change or remove your bandages as well.

Talk to your doctor about when or if your stitches will be removed. Some stitches dissolve on their own. Others must be removed in the doctor’s office, usually one to two weeks after the procedure.

Continue to wear the 24-hour surgical support bra for three or four days. You will then wear a soft-support bra for three or four weeks. Your doctor may recommend using silicone tape or gel on your incisions to speed healing.

Keep your breasts out of the sun while you heal. Protect your incisions while being exposed to the sun afterwards.

Process:Breast Lift Surgery
Time:2-3 Hours
Anestesi:General Anesthesia
Hospital:European Approved Hospitals
Recovery Time:1-2 Months
Expected Result:Removal of sagging in the chest and improvement in its appearance.

Frequently Asked Questions

Can breast lift and breast augmentation be performed in the same surgery?

Yes, combined augmentation with mastopexy is often done in our practice. Again, it should only be done by experienced plastic surgeons.

Is it possible to breastfeed after breast lift surgery?

It is possible to breastfeed after a breast lift as long as the nipple remains attached to the underlying breast tissue. Sometimes, it may be necessary to remove the nipple and reposition it as a free breast graft in stretches with excessive skin excess. this is extremely rare. While it is possible to breastfeed after mastopexy surgery, it is not guaranteed, there are too many variables at play.

What are the things to be considered before the operation?

If the patient is a smoker, he should quit at least 15 days before the operation. Likewise, it is recommended not to smoke for 3 weeks after the operation. Smoking can adversely affect the healing process of the wound.

Is it possible to have a postpartum breast lift operation?

Breast lift operation can be performed 6 months after birth.

What is a half-moon breast lift?

Half-moon breast lift, which is made from the upper half of the breast, is a technique used for breasts that have mild asymmetry problems or need a maximum 1 cm lift.

Can exercising the chest muscles by doing sports correct breast sagging?

Pectoral muscle excercises can improve the look of the minimal breast sagging, but unfortunately significant sagging can not be corrected by muscle strengthening.